New Books
To keep our library collection current with issues relevant to today’s students and with a diverse sample of reading materials, the FOL continually needs funds to feed these resources into the constantly changing library environment.
Staffing Needs
California’s budget cuts left our Blue Ribbon school library under-staffed. The FOL seeks to provide a higher staff-to-student ratio to ensure all students have adequate guidance.
Digital Book Collection
The RBHS Friends of the Library needs funds to add new titles to the library ebook/audiobook collection.
Friends of Library Memberships
The primary goal of the Rancho Bernardo High School Friends of the Library (FOL) is to raise money for much needed staffing, books, ebooks and technology. We work closely with our school's Teacher Librarian to support the growing needs of the Library.
Friend of Library
- Membership Card
- Monthly Newsletter
- Included in Member Directory
Book Lover
- Book Lover Membership Card
- Monthly Newsletter
- Included in Member Directory
- Bookplate with Your Name in a New Book for the RBHS Library
- For donations of $500.00 or more, your name will be engraved on the donor plaque displayed in our Library.
What Our Students Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our impacted students do the talking!
“What I love about the RBHS Library is the helpful and friendly attitude the librarians have, and the student-friendly atmosphere the library gives off. If it also wasn’t obvious enough, since it is a library, I love the books! The variety of books the library has makes me want to stay in there for hours just reading all the books I can.”
“This library has a variety of resources for people to really explore and enjoy the topics that define us as human beings.”
“The librarians are super helpful and there are always new books to read.”

Frequently Asked Questions
How Does My Donation Get Utilized?
95% of all donations and fundraising are used to support the RBHS FOL Mission in providing books, resources and staffing to the RBHS Library community. Only 5% is used to cover overhead expenses.
Is My Donation Tax Deductible?
Indeed it is! Contact us at for a receipt and EIN#.
How Can I Enroll My Company To Match Donations?
Go to your company’s Human Resources web page and print out the matching donation form and follow instructions. If you need help with a specific company, email us at and we will assist you.
Does the RBHS Friends of LIbrary Accept In-Kind Donations?
Depending upon the donation and the upcoming events, we do accept in-kind donations. Contact us at with a description of what you would like to donate and we will get right back to you!
Empower RBHS Students Today
Together we continue to ensure our students succeed.