Our Mission
The Rancho Bernardo High School Friends of the Library is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the RBHS Library in meeting the intellectual, curricular, and technological needs of all Rancho Bernardo High School students and staff through fundraising and advocacy.
Our Goals
Advocate for adequate funding, services, and staffing for school libraries from state, district, and school site resources.
Foster the development and effective use of modern information skills among RBHS students.
Enhance the collection of RBHS Library resources for students and staff.
Increase awareness and support for the RBHS Friends of the Library programs among RBHS parents and the community.
Executive Board of Directors
Are you interested in joining our Board of Directors? Please contact Lorrie Russo (858) 381-2490 or email at [email protected].
Executive Board of Directors
- President: June Zhou
- Vice-President: Suneela Naidu Ramna
- Secretary: Frances French
- Treasurer: Kim Floyd
Board of Directors
- Liz Schwartz
- Shirley Black
- Dick Mason
- Theresa Bonafede
- Linda Gannon
- June Zhou
- Srinivas Shastri
- Ciara Jackson
Advisory Members
- Alexa Clausen, Live Well Coordinator
- Sharon Ellison, Auditor
Administrative Members:
- Jeanne Snowdon, RBHS Teacher Librarian
- Dave LeMaster, RBHS Principal
- Yael Bozzay, RBHS Assistant Principal
“RBHS Library is a place where every student succeeds, and the one place where students are not expected to know the answers—instead, we are here to help students find the answers. RBHS Library is here to inspire students to develop a love for reading, become skilled users of information, and explore the world through print and electronic media. We support student achievement with their information needs and help teachers develop projects that engage students in developing critical learning and research skills. There is a direct link between student achievement and school libraries that are well stocked with up-to-date books and technology. Your support will continue RBHS Library’s continued success; please consider becoming a member of the RBHS Friends of the Library.”